

 2016/3/9    通譯翻譯|同聲傳譯









The Grand Final & Award Ceremony of the 5th “T.Y Cup” Interpreting Contest of SC and Forum of Chengdu Internationalization and Translation Talents for Foreign Affairs
Theme: Share the Fascinating Jobs and Life in this International City, Chengdu

電子科技大學 UESTC (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China )
西南交通大學 SWJTU (Southwest Jiaotong University )
賽制改革 competition system reform
團體獎 Group Award
外事機構 Foreign Affairs Agency
外國商會 Foreign Chamber of Commerce
中國國際貿易促進會成都分會 China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Chengdu Sub-Council (CCPIT Chengdu)
成都市博覽局 Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Exposition 
共青團成都市委青少年事業(yè)發(fā)展中心 Communist Youth League Chengdu municipal party Committee Teenager Development Center
成都會展聯盟 Chengdu Exhibition Union
中國外文局翻譯專業(yè)資格考評中心 China International Publishing Group National Translation Test and Appraisal Center
《英語世界》雜志 The World of English Magazine
西南美國商會 The American Chamber of Commerce in Southwest China
中國新加坡商會 SingCham
新加坡星系國際教育集團 Star Alliance Education & Services
加拿大數碼機遇基金 DOT
成都遠見會議服務公司 Chengdu Vision Conference Services Company
半坡咖啡集團 BUPCOO Coffee Group
韓國流真高爾夫學院 Korea Yoo Jin Golf College
成都理工大學 Chengdu University of Technology ( CDUT )
成都體育學院 Chengdu Sport University
成都信息工程大學 Chengdu University of Information Technology
成都中醫(yī)藥大學 Chengdu University of TCM
四川大學錦城學院 Jincheng College of Sichuan University
四川大學錦江學院 Sichuan University Jinjiang College
四川師范大學 Sichuan Normal University
西華大學 Xihua University
西南財經大學 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE)
西南民族大學 Southwest University for Nationalities
西南石油大學 Southwest Petroleum University
同傳接收機 SI Receiver
美國獨立日慶典活動 U.S. Independence Day celebrations
國際咖啡質量控制師 International Coffee QC
四川咖啡技術協會 Coffee Technology Association for Sichuan
《企業(yè)家日報》 Entrepreneurs Daily
中國企業(yè)家理事會理事 Director of China Entrepreneurs Council
中國國際西部博覽會 Western China International Fair
全球《財富》論壇 Fortune Global Forum
世界華商大會 World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention
中國西南美國商會 The American Chamber Of Commerce in Southwest China (AmCham)
非營利的 non-profit
財富500強企業(yè) Fortune 500 companies
美國駐成都總領事館 The U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu
總領事 Consul General
華盛頓敲門之旅代表團 Washington D.C. Doorknock Delegation
網絡安全 Cyber-security
市場準入 market access
梨花女子大學 Ewha Woman’s University
韓國大學高爾夫聯盟 Korea University Golf Federation
廣島 Hiroshima
金美賢 Mi Hyun Kim
崔京周 KJ Choi
金孝珠 Kim Hyo Joo
跆拳道 Taekwondo
美國女子高球公開賽 US Women Open
樸仁妃 Inbee Park
蘇珊•彼特森 Suzann Pettersen
美國女子職業(yè)高爾夫協會 LPGA(Ladies Professional Golf Association)
LPGA錦標賽 LPGA Championship
日本女子巡回賽 JLPGA Tour
樂天瑪特女子Open LOTTE MART Women’s Open
現代車中國Ladies Open Hyundai China Ladies Open

數字化 digitization
商旅國際旅行社 Business Travel International Travel Agency
中科院 Chinese Academy of Sciences
Meetings(會議) Incentives(獎勵旅游) Conferencing/Conventions(大型企業(yè)會議) Exhibitions/Exposition(活動展覽) MICE
去行政化 de-administration
企事業(yè)單位 enterprise and public institution
人工智能 Artificial intelligence
高頻次小規(guī)模 High frequency with small scale
低頻次大規(guī)模 Low frequency with large scale
痛點 Pain points
四川外語學院 Sichuan University of International Studies
貝祥投資集團 Canaccord Genuity Asia
貿易專員 Trade Commissioner
加拿大駐四川貿易辦事處 Canada Trade Office in Sichuan
加中貿易理事會 Canada China Business Council                                             
加拿大外交部和國際貿易部 Canada Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Trade
四川省人民對外友好協會 Sichuan Provincial People's Assn. for Friendship with Foreign Countries
中國四川國際合作股份有限公司 China Sichuan International Cooperation Co. Ltd
成都市環(huán)境監(jiān)測中心站 Chengdu Environmental Protection Monitoring Station
職業(yè)素養(yǎng) professional quality
企業(yè)全球志愿服務隊 IBM Corproate Service Corps (CSC)
新興市場 emerging markets
IBM人士 IBMers
無償的 pro bono
中南財經政法大學 Zhongnan University of Economics & Law
麥考瑞大學 Macquarie University of Sidney
親身實踐 Hands-on Practice
知己知彼,百戰(zhàn)不殆 Knowing the enemy and yourself; you can fight a hundred battles and win them all.
兵來將擋水來土掩 cope with different difficulties with different tactics
雜家 A versatile person
不卑不亢 be neither humble nor pushy


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