

 2016/9/6    通譯翻譯|同聲傳譯


1. 抓住文章主旨,建議可以把一些關(guān)鍵詞語劃出來提醒自己;
2. 預(yù)先判斷需要填空的范圍,也就是說根據(jù)空缺所在的句子大概判斷出所要填寫單詞的意思;
3. 判斷需要填入的單詞/短語的詞性、單復(fù)數(shù)、時態(tài)等。


Hello, I'm Tom Sandars with the BBC News.

The (1)__________ for the US presidency have been addressing large rallies as they try to (2)____________ their support on Super Tuesday. Eleven US states are choosing Democratic and Republican Party (3)____________ for November's election. The Republican Donald Trump and the Democrat Hillary Clinton are hoping wins today will allow them to pull decisively away from their (4)________. James Cook reports. “Polls suggest Donald Trump will sweep the board in almost all of the 11 states which are in play despite the (5)__________ of many people inside his adopted party. Having built his support on divisive rhetoric about (6)_______ Muslims from entering the US and building a wall on the Mexican border, Mr. Trump today tries to present himself as the (7)________candidate. The exception to Mr. Trump’s expected (8)__________may be here in Texas, the home of Senator Ted Cruz who insists he is the only credible conservative (9)___________ to the property tycoon, a claim disputed by another Senator Marco Rubio of Florida.” Mrs. Clinton's only rival for the Democrats' nomination Bernie Sanders will be (10)       to win in his home state of Vermont.

參考答案: 1. challenges
2. maximize
3. rivals
4. hostility
5. banning
6. unity
7. dominance
8. alternative
9. hoping
