

 2016/9/8    通譯翻譯|同聲傳譯



1. 正如昨天所說,一段新聞的重點都是在第一句,所以同學們要在新聞一開始就打起十二分的精神,一定要抓住新聞的主旨。

2. 聽的時候注意力集中,邊聽邊分析新聞中的主要信息,也是就時間、地點、發(fā)生的事件。

3. 不要把精力放在個別單詞上,很多同學只要碰到一個聽不懂的單詞就會放棄后面的內(nèi)容一直糾結(jié)這個單詞,這個是不可取的,我們一定要把注意力放在新聞?wù)w的構(gòu)架上。

4. 聽完一段之后,暫停錄音,立即復述剛才所聽到,看能記得多少內(nèi)容。

5. 如果新聞過長,可以在紙上記錄一些要點信息輔助自己的記憶。

如此,大家會發(fā)現(xiàn),如果在新聞之后還能用自己的語言將新聞內(nèi)容組織起來,就說明這篇新聞你是用心聽、真正聽懂了的。希望大家以后在以后的聽力練習中都能將negative listening轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)閜ositive listening.



Since this is your first year in college here, I'd like to give you some advice on (1)        your time.  First of all, most of you are full-time students who have to take at least three courses each semester.  You'll have many (2)        during the semester, including readings to be done every day, summary papers and oral reports that may need to be presented in class, and reports that need to be written.  At the end of each semester, you may have finals and term papers due all in the same week. All of this can cause a lot of (3)       , especially if you are not used to this system.

One of the effective ways of getting more work done under stress is to make a 'To Do' list every day.  Keep it handy, and use it as a (4)       to help you as you go through the day.  Here is how you do it: Get a special notebook that you use just for time management.  Use one piece of paper at a time.  Put the heading 'To Do' on the top of the paper for the day, then list those items you need to work on.  As you (5)         an item, cross it off, but keep adding items as they (6)      to you.  You can write down as many items as you wish, but the important thing is to set priorities and work on the items according to their (7)        and their importance.  Do the most urgent or important items first, one at a time, and concentrate on what you are doing.  Finish one item before you go on to the next.  Don't worry about the (8)          things on the list.  You can't do it all at once.  By setting priorities, and doing things in order of priority, you'll save time that you might otherwise have spent on unimportant things, leaving the important things undone.

I hope you'll get started with your 'To Do' list at once.  And I hope you'll adjust to this new study environment quickly.  If you find yourself (9)         with work, please come in and see me.  I' m here to help you.  I have office hours available to students from one to four every afternoon in the (10)         Building.

1. managing
2. assignments
3. stress
4. guide
5. complete
6. occur
7. urgency
8. unaccomplished
9. overwhelmed
10. Administration

So you made lasagna last night, and it was (1)     . You saved the leftovers by wrapping aluminum foil over the top of the pan, and putting it in the (2)     . When you get hungry today, you go to look for that lasagna, but it looks like the lasagna was getting hungry too!

It's eaten tiny holes in the aluminum (3)      that was covering it. Why does this happen? A listener asked this question and we'll find the answer on today's moment of science. There are really two things (4)        for those holes in the aluminum foil: the acidic nature of the lasagna and some curious (5)        of aluminum.

Lasagna gets most of it's (6)      from the tomatoes in its sauce. Almost everything you eat is at least slightly acidic, but tomatoes are especially so. This acid wouldn't be a problem for a glass (7)      , or stainless steel, or plastic wrap, or for most of the materials we use to store and prepare food. Aluminum, though, is especially (8)       to acid.

Here's why. Most metals form a protective layer on their surface called an oxide layer. Aluminum forms an (9)      layer too, but it is very thin, allowing the tomato's acid to easily break through. This lets the tomato sauce dissolve the aluminum, and it creates grey or black chemicals on top of the lasagna that taste very bad. The same thing can happen if you use aluminum (10)       for acidic sauces. Sauce made in an aluminum pot will be grayer and not as tasty as sauce made in other cookware.


1. delicious
2. fridge
3. foil
4. responsible
5. properties
6. acid
7. container
8. vulnerable
9. oxide
10. cookware
